Mẫu đơn xin việc Tiếng Anh (cover letter):
Sample 1:
September 20, 2012
Ms. Ellie Wells
Senior Manager
Wallaby Yogurt Company
110 Mezzetta Ct
American Canyon, CA 94503
Dear Ms. Wells:
I am a senior at Harvard University and would like to be considered for the Manager in Training opportunity at the Wallaby Yogurt Company. I am very interested in the field of marketing and would welcome the opportunity to contribute my research and writing skills and experience to your growing business.
I am excited about Wallaby’s commitment to organic, all-natural ingredients in its products. As a varsity field hockey player, I am very aware of the importance of healthy food as the foundation for a healthy life. Your emphasis on “learning by doing and leading by serving” is also consistent with the training I received as an athlete. Whether on the field learning new drills in the worst weather conditions or patiently working with a new team member, I am most fulfilled when contributing to the team effort.
At Harvard, my concentration is in History while also exploring coursework in Economics. My academic work has strengthened my research and writing skills as well as my understanding of the economics of business growth and development. Working with Harvard Undergraduate Women in Business (WIB) over the last two years gave me the experience and confidence to work in a dynamic, fast-paced organization where learning quickly and pitching in are instrumental to success. As a member of the Executive Committee, for example, I managed campus advertising campaigns that increased overall membership and attracted more than 500 students from 12 different schools to our annual Intercollegiate Fall Conference.
Thank you for your consideration. I very much look forward to the opportunity to speak with you in person about my interest in this position.
Roberta Maddox

Sample 2:
Mr. Joseph Turner
Save the Children Foundation
54 Wilton Road
Westport, Connecticut 06880
Dear Mr. Turner:
I am writing to express my interest in the Early Childhood Development Research Assistant internship with Save the Children. I am completing my junior year at Harvard University; and will graduate with a B.A. in Social Studies in May, 2014.
I believe strongly in the need for social change, especially as it affects children. The work that Save the Children delivers both advocating and taking action in countries throughout the world has set the standard for more than seventy-five years. It is your history and persistent search for solutions on behalf of children that makes me eager to join your team. Early childhood development is central to my academic interests. Next year; I hope to complete my thesis on the influence of after-school programs on homework performance among children of immigrant Chinese families.
The opportunity to work with your ECD unit this summer will allow me to apply experience that I have gained in the classroom both as a student and a teacher. My concentration in Social Studies requires extensive research and writing across a broad spectrum of subjects. I am also adept at managing large sets of Excel data and preparing graphs, charts and other visuals to illustrate research findings. I spent two summers teaching in diverse classroom settings. The experience I gained in China taught me to manage my time carefully in order to complete the curriculum. I had created. Managing a team of more than 120 volunteer teachers for an after school program in Cambridge, Massachusetts required attention to detail around scheduling, training and orientation that will help me contribute to your project.
I understand that the internships with Save the Children are unpaid and I am prepared to seek grants or fellowships to support myself. Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to meeting with you to discuss the internship in more detail.
Peter J. Lee
( Sưu tầm)
Tạo Cover Letter trực tuyến ngay tại: https://www.topcv.vn/mau-cover-letter-thu-xin-viec